It’s Friday and I am..

Thankful that it is the last day of term. Holidays. Breathe in an out slowly. I’m sure retirement was supposed to simplify things. Maybe next term?

Delighted that the weather held out for the kids Sport’s Carnival today. So proud to see my big boy doing his thing this afternoon helping everyone and putting everyone else’s needs ahead of his. So proud of the little one who ran her heart out and didn’t pike out because of her asthma.

Grateful that I could spend the morning with a bunch of inspiring women and their adorable children at playgroup. Thankful that I can share the load with two other women who never fail to impress me with their selfless acts of kindness and compassion.  Thankful for the tears of happiness and opportunities to talk about a God who loves us.

Glad that I have enough stuff for my yearly Spring Garage Sale.  One last look through the house this arvo for unwanted, unloved and useless things. It’s such a first world problem to have heaps of “stuff”.  Oh to live the simple life.  One day I may convince the head of the house to sell up and buy a farm somewhere.  hmmm..not likely.

Proud that I have wise women in my life who can tell me to get a grip when I expect unrealistic things from people.

Looking forward to Sunday where we can celebrate another family birthday and go to God’s House.

Leaving you with this… one of my favourite songs of all time.  Going to watch/hear/ sing along with Stuart Townend in a few weeks right here in Perth.  Can’t wait!

This is how we roll #in the laundry

With this post, I do by no means claim to be the world expert in doing laundry, or for that matter, someone who always stays on top of her ever-increasing mound of washing. I am far from the expert in laundry and my ever full baskets attest to that. But, there are a few things that really do work for me, things that take the stress out of the job and I’m going to share them here.

1. I don’t wash every day.

By this I mean; my washing days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  On the other days, I don’t look at my washing, don’t fold any, don’t iron any, in fact – on the off days, I hardly go into my laundry at all.  There are the “emergency” moments, where I will wash and dry something that is urgently needed.  The decision”to wash on my odd days”  was made a long time ago, when my kids were still very little.  I was finding myself chained to the laundry.  The basket was never empty and the washing machine would run constantly. Even now,  having three kids in uniforms five days a week (plus a high schooler with sports uniforms twice a week on top of her normal uniform) I always have wash in the baskets.  To help with keeping the whites, white,  I keep a large bucket in my laundry trough with a napisan mix for pre-soaking.   When white uniform shirts and socks come off, they go straight into the bucket. (The kids do that themselves…love my kids, trained them well.)

2. I have a large wheelie Laundry basket. 

Every day on the chore chart there is this job “Empty Bathroom Laundry basket”.  This basket (from Howard’s Storage World) resides in the kid’s bathroom.  Everyday one of the kids wheels it to our bathroom, collects the wash and then takes it to the laundry for me.  As you can see by the little bend  in the top – it’s great to lean on and try to go as fast as you can down the hallway as well!  btw – don’t look at the floor.  I hate that floor with a passion.  Natural stone tiles the guy at the tile shop said, you’ll love them.  Well, I hate them. Uneven surface and deep grout lines, makes these HORRIBLE to clean.  End of rant – now, where were we??

3. I have these stacking Laundry Baskets

I bought these a long time ago from Bunnings, so I don’t know if you can get them any more.  I bought four and on days when I have finished the wash (which doesn’t happen often) they are stacked under my laundry bench.  When it is washing day, they hold the various loads I need to do.  Usually: one dark, one light, one jocks, socks, pjs and then one towels.  (btw.. Bedding I don’t call “normal wash”)

4. I own a Sock Orphanage

Where socks go when their partner is lost.  The basket comes out of the laundry cupboard when I fold the washing.  Some reunite with their partners, some stay single forever.

5. I utilise the space above the laundry trough

Do you have a void above your laundry trough? Put a shelf up there and store stuff!  This shelf we bought at IKEA and the lidded baskets were from Homeart. In the labelled baskets are 1. Shoe Polish & accessories, 2. Light bulbs and 3. Torches and batteries.

As you can see, I try to make my laundry a little more appealing than just being a work zone in the house.  My laundry also comes straight off my kitchen, and with only a french door with ten little panes of glass, everyone can see inside it, so it has to look a little homely!  btw – two of my favourite laundry necessities on this photo. 1. Sard stain remover and 2. Lavender Oil (I put a few drops in most of the loads…mmmm calming…..)

Anyway – that’s how we roll in the laundry.  And because it’s Thursday I’m going to ignore the folding that needs doing and go have some lunch.  Do you have any handy laundry hints you’d like to share??


{ootong & lincoln freo}

where we head to recharge after op-shopping outings.

had the sweet potato frittata and apple and blue cheese salad.


the decor is rather out of this world and firmly planted in retroland.

go there to check out the washing basket light fittings..

linking up with Faith, Hope and a Whole Lotta Love 

oh, i’m enjoying every moment spent over here lately.