in the middle of a heatwave

Its just eleven o’clock in the morning and the temperature is sitting at 37.5 degrees and rising.  The forecast is for 38 today, with a slight chance of rain and maybe a thunderstorm.

Recently Updated4

{l to r // thems happy smiles off to the beach  //  swinging on the boat lift //  what ice-cream to choose at Doce Vita Gelato in Freo (go there…)  //  the little blip on the horizon are the boys on the boat – taken from Bather’s Beach Freo  // almost sunset //  sunset.  wow. }

The past few days, have been over 40.  Bleergghh.  There’s been quiet hours watching the cricket underneath the aircon, escaping to the beach in the afternoon as well as hanging out while the boys tweak the boat at the yacht club.  What’s the weather like where you are?

Recently Updated3I should have known better.  Three hot kids.  Mum wanting to take a group shot.  Wasn’t going to happen.  Didn’t happen. Shmucks. There are twenty other failed shots. 

One thought on “in the middle of a heatwave

  1. I’m in the landlocked Midwest of the United States and our weather is bitterly cold right now! Though our summer was insanely hot this year. If your heat wave is anything like ours was, don’t expect it to end anytime soon!

Hi there! Nice to see you! Let me know what you think.